For many months, people have asked me, "How do I make it into the spotlight?" I tell them some people go the Sis. Deborah way, others go the Tiffany way, some also go the Bukom Banku way (death faking). Today I would teach you the Joyce Dzidzor way (I'm not using the Mensah because we are not like that). We call this course DZIDZOR 101.
SIMPLE STEPS AND YOU BECOME A STAR. 1. Claim to be sick of some disease like Ebola, Sickle Cell, Hepatitis B and AIDS (not HIV). 2. Be an ambassador for the disease you claim you have. Start a campaign to educate others on the disease. 3. Try get the attention of the organisations involved and you would land yourself a good deal such as a Record Label and a movie role to start a career. 4. Do not give birth to children since stigmatisation against the children would make you give up in no time. 5. Just when you've travelled around the world enough and got a lot of money and enough fame you can deny you were never sick or say you have been healed miraculously. 6. Defend your stance you were made to believe you are sick. 7. Do not allow yourself to be forced by the public or the police to take a test to prove you are sick. (na demma matter?)

8. Dismiss your lawyer when he starts playing outside the game plan like calling you a mentally ill patient in public. 

9. After a month or two, news around you dies and life goes on. So you see how simple it was. You don't need to go and play a nude role before becoming a star. Don't thank me.
P.S: The case won't die out completely as it would rear its head into the public small but just ignore. In case you can not stand the pressure then apply KAMOKO 106: Principles of Death Faking (PDF)

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