So they call me black
My skin is brown
Yet they call me black
I bleed red
And they call me black
I eat rice like they do
Yet they call me black
We are all from Adam and Eve
And they still call me black
My teeth are whiter than theirs
Does that not make me more of white than black?
They call me black
Yet I excel like them
They call me black
Yet I am the President of America
They call me black
Yet I headed the United Nations
I am uncivilised they claim
But does that make me black?
They colonised me
All because they thought they knew better
They paint me black
Cos they associate me with sin
Yet they brought me the Bible and the guns
They call me black because they think I am dirty
Yet I do their jobs as well
They call me black
Because my home is not as clean as theirs
Oh Mama Africa
Does Africa mean dirt?
Oh Mama Africa
I shall survive through the torture
I refuse to be called black
African is what I am
A proud one at that
I shall rise and lift the flag of Africa high
I am African not Black
I am capable and productive
That's why I developed the New World
I am African not Black
The Blacks were cheated out of ignorance
The African knows his right
I refuse to be black
I am African not Black
Dedicated to Africans all over the world
Written by:
Christabel Badzi (Chrisbadzi)
Nii Bavard
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