This piece was written in 1991 by Mr. Raymond Mensah (my father). It's a true life witnessed by the writer, names of characters have been changed for the sake of saving personality. For legacy sake and preservation, this piece is being published as given me. Some of the words and grammatical construction may seem out-gained but that was the ish back then. Enjoy the story..........

Many are those who are not going to believe what they are about to read, but I take consolation in the fact that a few will believe me and take a lesson or two from this account. Too those who do not believe,I just caution them that they must not be like Thomas of Old, for it will be too late when the time of realisation dawns on them. O'Reilly advises them that, "doubt is brother devil to despair."

Why does he want everyone to believe him? One may ask; but the answer will be as clear as a bright day at the end.

He was my brother and he shared all his secrets with me. Wano was his name, but to most of his friends, he was 'Walahe Padi' and his closest associates called him 'Beaching Father'for his amorous relationships with girls. Wano was the most handsome of our family. He was fair in complexion and was about 6 feet 7 inches tall, which was in sharp contrast to the heights of our parents.

He had small ears,a long pointed nose and a moderately big mouth to complete the combination on a small head. He was keen in sports with footballing being his favourite, since he was a good footballer. This however did not prevent him from his academic pursuits and he was able to make it to the Sixth Form.

During his Sixth Form days, he was the captain of the school team and he ensured victory in every match, thus endearing himself to all. He was the idol of all the girls and each and everyone of them, did all she could to win his affection. The unfortunate thing is, he did not love any of them, but never missed the opportunity to have sex with any girl who fell into his trap. Hence the accolade 'Beaching Father'.

To be continued...............

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