Heylo friend,

Been a while I last heard from you and it's a pleasure you reading this letter. It's true you exited at the point when I needed you most. I was not the best you wish you ever had. I ain't gonna say the normal adage, "I was a fool." Hold it!!! I respect my dignity and but then, I've realised there is a there's a time in life when one's got to make that sincere apologetic move.


I just put these few words to screen to just apologise for all the wrongs and rights I did especially when I can't deny I still miss you. You were at a point the one I truly loved but now I can't get you to your side due to circumstances beyond both parties' control.

On this note I would like to render a sincere apology to you for all that happened. I am sorry I met you. It wasn't my fault I did. I sometimes do blame karma.

I am sorry I took your number. My heart was just not ready to let you go without hearing from you again. Why on earth was the heart made to do that instead of the brain?

I am sorry I made the brave move in calling you. Technology just wouldn't make memories fade. I wish I never had a cell or airtime by then.

I am sorry I was there for you when you needed someone to talk to during your down moments especially when we traded secrets. But I can't blame you much. I decided to be that sibling you never had.


I am sorry we spoke all the time even through the night till dawn. I just couldn't resist your voice through that cell anytime you spoke.

I am sorry I made you laugh. I blame my family for being humourous. i should have been that boring guy who would piss you off and you would have nothing to do with me. But hey, hereditary is not a choice.

I am sorry we became close to the extent that everyone knew you in my family. It was just great knowing you could fit so well into the family. And for my mum referring to you as "In-law", I apologise for that. She just raised our hopes high.

Final breaker, I am sorry I fell in love with you and the feeling had to be mutual. I must confess, I still do love you. Probably we should have kept it on a very low key without anyone knowing. It's funny how people still think we're dating.

Sorry we've come to the end of the road and we both have to move on for what nature has for us. I am sorry we've come to this point but it's necessary cos it got me not regretting breaking up with you, but also made me a person.

Finally, I am sorry I had to write this letter while weeping. Not because I am sad but they are tears of joy cos it feels great to be single. No emotions attached. If you wept while reading this then you are still in love with me.

Haha.....so you smiled. Sorry I broke the norm in break up letters by making you smile at the end instead of crying.

Just in case you want to come back, stop by my house to see if I'm still single and let's continue from where we left off but don't fail to keep in touch especially when you got someone new.

Till we meet someday, it's been wonderful being your ex.
I am sorry. Please forgive me.


Nii Bavard ©

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