I might as well just get laid
I might as well scream
I might as well just......
It was not enough to dream
It was not enough to say yes
The pursuit was on
No one person said a word
The heat was on
No space for my slow pace
For the excuse of..........
Crazy, but no limitations were in sight
Yet mine were unbearable
It was as though the shears went to play.
Their blades as sharp as that of the leaf
My heart doth bleed at its cut
The shape, form so desired
Yet to be formed
Dreams blunt
Blown away in the ecstasies of pain
Hope bloody
Torn to shreds at the call of failure
It's yet to be due
My tears the comfort
The zones cleared out
The march of the freedom song
The liberation of the yonder
Stealthily crawling to me
I await just as much
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