We are all corrupt chale........I remember vividly how we hurriedly tore the middle pages of our exercise books and gave to the class prefect to avoid or names being written as part of talkatives anytime he or she was instructed to do so.

The notion behind it was, "I'm giving you my paper to write names of talkatives. Just in case I talk, which is very likely, don't write my name." Most often, the loyal class prefects did abide by this code, the traitors just didn't care.

That's even too far-fetched. It is most often said that younger siblings are the most corrupt of kids and this is a natural fact. You remember how you threatened to report your elder sibling(s) to your parents just because they cut a slice of cake which you didn't benefit from? How come till date, no one knows about it? Cos you used your position to extort from the eldest.

What of those of you who use connections to get food at funerals and parties? How people do that really makes me want to create an award scheme to celebrate the corrupt in society.

From the scenarios above, who teaches one to be corrupt? No one. It's inborn but can be stopped. The little things we do for people with the intention of gaining favors makes us corrupt. Wait, so you thought it's only the public servants who are corrupt?
We are all corrupt chale...... In one way or the other, we've exchanged a commodity for a favor before. We don't need to carry the traditional brown envelope or suit case before we are officially declared corrupt.

I'm not saying just because it is inborn so we should allow it to happen. What I'm saying is, for corruption to end, which is never possible, it has to begin from us. We have to jail the spirit of corruption in our lives. Little drops of water create a big ocean and until we stop taking the red notes before doing people favors, the fact would still remain that we are all corrupt chale.

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